Pizza Party

Pizza Party

We had the honor of partnering with Ascension Providence Rochester Foundation and PACE to deliver senior care packs and pizza to seniors in our community! Our foundation team members had such a fun time speaking with the seniors and throwing them a...
Area Agency on Aging 1B

Area Agency on Aging 1B

This week Wendy interviews Jenny Jarvis from the Area Agency on Aging 1B. Jenny shares with us resources and information about the MI Choice Wavier Program, open enrollment for Medicare, transportation coordination, and many other programs available to seniors. For...
4th Annual Garden Gala

4th Annual Garden Gala

Thank you to our sponsors and donors for a Charity Gala. Together, with your support, we raised over $93,000! Your partnership will help bridge the financial gap for low-income Seniors in need of proper housing and care. 1 2...